This information is being sent out to clubs and current Judge Level 1 (J1) trainees on behalf of British Swimming’s Swimming Officials Group.
It relates to changes in the way future J1 training will be delivered and the existing system superseded.
• 1 November 2019 – End of new J1 courses under existing system
• December 2019 – Changes & final approval of new system
• 1 January 2020 – New J1 training programme goes live
• 31 July 2020 – J1 training under existing system ends
Candidates currently working towards a J1 qualification must pass their final assessment and all related parts of their training by the date above. There is no carry-over to the new system.
If you do not pass your assessment under the existing system by 31 July 2020, you will have to re-register and re-train from scratch, under the new system, if you wish to progress.
Contact your course leader to discuss your progress and to set about a completion pathway before the deadlines. Leeway will not be given to complete your training.
Systems are being put in place by British Swimming & Membership Services to prevent bending of the rules/movement of dates. Do not ask your course leader to try to sanction this.
Neither Swim England nor course leaders can question it, only to act on British Swimming’s requirements for the delivery of officials’ J1 training.
Once the new J1 system is up and running, there will be changes to the delivery of Judge Level 2 (J2) and Judge Level 2-Starter (J2S) training and new timelines issued for these qualifications.
There are currently no plans to change the way referee training is delivered.
Please discuss any queries with your course leader as soon as possible.
Diane Gamble (Surrey London) –
Christina Victor (Surrey South East) –